From:                                         Luke Godshall <>

Sent:                                           Wednesday, June 26, 2024 11:53 AM

To:                                               Donna M Deuster

Subject:                                     Submitted CUP Application - Lily Lake Resort, LLC

Attachments:                          2024-06-20 - Submitted Kenosha County Development Application.pdf




A CUP application has been filed by Lily Lake Resort, LLC.  Attached please see a copy of the date-stamped application. 


Here is agenda language we intend to use for this item:


Lily Lake Resort LLC, 7910 328th Ave, Burlington, WI 53105 (Owner), Jill Rzeplinski, 7910 328th Ave, Burlington, WI 53105 (Agent), requesting a conditional use permit to allow outdoor dining, recreation, and entertainment in the B-2 Community Business Dist. on Tax Parcel #95-4-119-111-4070, located in the NE ¼ of Section 11, T1N, R19E, Town of Wheatland.


Please let us and the applicant know when the Town meetings for this item might occur.  Based on when the application was filed, it would qualify for the August 14th County PDEEC meeting, assuming a recommendation has been received by then from the Town. 


Thank you,


Luke Godshall

Senior Land Use Planner

Kenosha County Public Works & Development Services

Division of Planning & Development

19600 75th Street, Suite 185-3

Bristol, WI 53104

262.857.1895 (office) / 262.857.1909 (direct)